2412_Korean Jang Making
Korean Jang Making
Street H_2024.12_Vol.183
한국의 장 담그기는 된장, 간장 등 전통적인 발효 식품을 만드는 과정이다. 삶은 콩을 으깨어 메주를 만들고 그걸 소금물에 담가 발효시키면 유익한 미생물이 생성되어 깊고 풍부한 맛을 낸다. 한국인의 슬로푸드 전통과 지혜가 담긴 장 담그기에 대한 재미있는 사실들을 인포그래픽으로 알아보자.
Korean’s Jang Damgeugi is the process of making traditional fermented foods such as soybean paste and soy sauce. Boiled soybeans are crushed to make meju, which is then soaked in salt water and fermented to produce beneficial microorganisms, creating a deep and rich flavor. Let’s find out interesting facts about Jang Damgeugi, which contains the slow food tradition and wisdom of Koreans, through infographics.
Sung-Hwan Jang
Current 203 X Design Studio CEO | He worked as an editorial designer in <Reader's Digest>, 'Yonhap News' Graphic News Team, <Weekly Dong-a>, <Science Dong-a> and established the 203 X Design Studio in 2003 in front of Hongik University. Since then, he has been publishing a neighborhood magazine <Street H>, which records the events around Hongik University in 2009, He founded the Infographic Lab 203 in 2012 and hosted the Infographic Group Exhibition at YOON DesignLab Gallery.
<Street H>, neighborhood magazine around Hongik University
This poster can be purchased at the following sites.
Price: 12,000(KRW)
Paper: Rendezvous 130g(500 X 700mm)
이 포스터는 아래 사이트에서 구매할 수 있습니다.
가격: 12,000원
종이: 랑데뷰 130g(500 X 700mm)