Dribbble Autozoom Extension

Hey! So excited to be here on Dribbble. Thank you @Todd Santoro for the invite!

I'm so excited about this community that I've decided to give back some love. I created a Chrome extension for 2x autozooming every shot (whenever the 2x version is available).

You can install it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dribbble-autozoom-extensi/blmgbjebcflfapdhgnldmogaieaagioa

I'm also debuting on Product Hunt with this extension so you might want show some love too: https://www.producthunt.com/search?q=Dribbble%20Autozoom&qFeatured=all

So excited to be here!

Press L to show this extension to more people :D

More by Carlos Roso

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