Facebook Design Giveaway

Facebook Design wants to send 6 people to Epicurrence—The Montues for free. @dannpetty/facebook-design-wants-to-send-6-people-to-epicurrence-the-montues-for-free-75ffbcc92bac#.na5yzm5rg" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Read the article on Medium with more information.

Epicurrence is a unique experience you’d find in the organic aisle of conferences. At an event like Epicurrence — The Montues, the focus is on the attendee and their relationships with the other attendees. The main goal is to get you re-inspired to create better work but comes with incredible benefits like learning new techniques and skills to manage your work life while gaining life-long relationships. Sure, there are epic activities, but ultimately it’s the discussions and the knowledge that you take away that sets it apart.

So you’re thinking about coming and joining in on the conversation? Epic. Here’s how to apply for this Facebook scholarship.

Why are we doing this?

Epicurrence can only be a great experience if we have the widest representation possible. This means being able to meet, learn from and share with designers who might not be in our immediate networks. Facebook Design agreed that we felt the same about the subject and how important it is. To help the diversity of Epicurrence, Facebook has agreed to send 6 people for free. To add to this, I will be sending one person as well making it a total of 7.

- 6 All-inclusive Ritz Carlton passes from Facebook Design. Tickets includes conference pass, lift ticket, breakfast and dinners, lodging in the Ritz Carlton, and flights/transportation comped. $3000 value.

- 1 All-inclusive Airbnb pass from Epicurrence. Tickets includes conference pass, lift ticket, breakfast and dinners, lodging in an Airbnb with other attendees, and flights/transportation comped. $2500 value.

How can you be considered for one of these passes?

It’s simple. Post on your Facebook page and mention @Epicurrence's Facebook page in the post. Ask for support from family and friends in the comments. If you see others post, help promote them as well. Epicurrence is about building relationships and having each others backs — let’s get it started early.

(Note from Dann: I encourage you, no matter your skill level in design, and even if you don’t like the snow, to come join us. Students and interns are welcome. Conferences can be big and scary, but you know what, I put myself out there as a shy/introverted person when I created this event — I ask you do the same and let’s get out there together and grow together.)

How will Epicurrence + Facebook choose 7 people?

We’re looking for people that do not work at big companies, not from the Bay Area (though we won’t count you guys out!), and people that most likely wouldn’t be able to attend an event like this for numerous reasons. We’ll choose not only from the posts, but from our own research as well because we know that still not everyone that wants to apply will.

The chosen 7 will be announced on Wednesday, March 2 and accounced on Epicurrence’s Facebook page by 12PM PT.

More by Dann Petty

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