Registration & ID Verification - Mobile app


For this project, we researched user behaviour to understand the difficulties encountered during the registration process and to prioritize potential solutions. This project was conducted for a German digital staffing agency and is anonymized under an NDA.

The problem

Based on quantitative data collected by the company and our initial flow testing, we identified the following issues users face:

  • 1.5 hours on avg. to complete registration and ID verification.

  • No editing function, preventing users from recovering from mistakes.

  • ID verification rejections due to input errors.

  • 24-hour wait for staffing contract before applying for jobs.

  • Repetitive questions and overcrowded pages.

Final designs - Registration

By collecting only the data essential for registration, we were able to reduced the number of steps a user must go through to complete this process from 9 to 7.

Welcome screens

The user can begin searching for jobs as soon as they register their account. To apply for their first job, they must complete their profile either through a job listing page or by following one of our prompts.

Profile completion & ID verification

The new structure lets users review and correct their information before ID verification. Informative screens and explanatory texts help them understand why the information is needed and what to expect next.

Job application screens

After completing their profile, users can submit their first job application and have an overview of applications and upcoming jobs on their profile page. While waiting for a response, the agency creates their staffing contract in the background, significantly reducing wait times.

See complete project here

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More by DigiDaki - UX/UI design studio

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