Eliminate the Nonessential

Inspired while re-reading Leo Babauta's (author of Zen Habits blog) book about minimalism, The Power of Less, that can be boiled down to two fundamental principles:

1) Identify the essential
2) Eliminate the rest

Over the last ~2 years I've found the results that come from this form of unconventional living to be incredibly fulfilling.

In life, this means eliminating friends, habits and thoughts that don't serve you. In design, this means eliminating elements, graphics or other distractions that dilute the clarity of your desired message or desired end-user action.

"The solution lies in setting limits to how much we consume and do. It lies in making the most of our time by focusing on the most important things, instead of everything."

The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential...in Business and in Life

More by Matt Kohn / Different Hunger Creative

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