Lunar Cycle Mobile iOS App

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Hey-hey! Check out our Lunar Cycle app design πŸŒ™

With this app, users can track lunar cycles πŸŒ”

The shot displays two screens.

The first screen contains πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘€ the image of the moon phase

πŸ“…Β  the day of the lunar cycle, the countdown to the next lunar day, and the calendar

🧾 brief activity recommendations with the info on lucky and unlucky days, users can view the list of all the activities

πŸ”Š The affirmation screen shows the online radio with mantras and the feature that allows users to listen to all the available affirmations and select an affirmation of the day, week, or month. Also, here you can see the player users can pause β€” it displays the title of the affirmation, its text, and the number of users listening to it at the moment 🎧

🎨 The color palette includes the yellow πŸŒ• and light blue shades 🌊 that represent the Sun and the Moon as they influence the lunar cycle.

This app not only allows users to track the lunar cycle, but also contains affirmations, an online radio, mantras, and a planner that lets users understand when they should plan this or that event πŸ”₯

Image by macrovector, taken from Freepik.

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