Prescription Entry For Rawat.ID

A prescription entry interface designed to simplify the workflow for medical professionals. Each prescription can be filled in detail for individual medications, featuring interactive elements for adding or removing items and automatic total price calculation.

Components Highlighted:

  1. Search Section:

    • Search Field: A prominent "Cari Obat" search bar with a magnifying glass icon.

    • Dropdown Suggestions: Autocomplete suggestions with drug names as the user types.

  2. Medication List:

    • Medication Items:

      • Medication names displayed in bold text.

      • Input field for quantity with stepper buttons (+/-).

      • Price displayed per item and subtotal in a smaller font.

      • Remaining stock shown under the name (e.g., Sisa: 120).

    • Remove Button: Trash icon with hover state color change (e.g., red when hovered).

  3. Summary Section:

    • Total Price:

      • Displayed at the bottom in bold and larger font for clear visibility.

  4. Prescription Details:

    • Fields:

      • Date Picker: Pre-filled with the current date/time but editable.

      • Weight: Auto-filled or manually adjustable.

      • Dosage (Signa): Two linked fields for dose and frequency, followed by a unit dropdown (e.g., mg, tablet).

      • Instructions:

        • Usage instructions and additional prescription notes with multi-line input fields.

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