New Portfolio
Sometimes I think I never want to design anything ever again, and sometimes I get hyper-focused for a few weeks and build a website from scratch. If that's the kind of energy you want in your office, hit me up.
For real though, I've been spending a lot of time on learning new digital skills and have been having a blast. In the past I've focused on a pretty narrow scope within branding, but this year I'm aiming to widen that knowledge base and keep learning. While I'll always do that on my own time, I am seeking a full-time opportunity, or freelance work for nice studios. Check out the website here and then shoot me an email at if you wanna chat. All the best y'all. 🐛
a note: the site is not yet optimized for mobile and I'm still learning my responsive web ABCs, so please do not yell at me and also don't open the site on anything other than your family PC.
another note: this is the first thing I've built and published with code I've written myself. There are likely bugs or things that would stand out to more seasoned developers as bad practice. If you notice any and want to share advice, please go ahead I would cherish you.