#DailyUI Challenge #096: Currently In Stock

Product availability just got smarter!

Designed sleek, accessible product cards that differentiate between "In Stock" and "Out of Stock" with clear status labels, interactive buttons, and a refined grayscale effect for better focus.

Design Updates:

· Disabled buttons with better affordance

· Enhanced color picker clarity

· Grayscale refinement for product visibility

What do you think about the refined UI? Let’s make browsing smooth and engaging!

Feedback welcome!

#DailyUI #UIUXDesign #ProductCard #InStock #OutOfStock #UIChallenge #DesignDaily #UIDesign #ECommerceDesign #ModernUI #VisualHierarchy #UXAccessibility #DribbbleShots #BehanceDesign #ProductInterface #UserExperience #ColorPalette #MinimalDesign

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