Palco CRM - Real Estate Dashboard

Client's Request

"We need a user-friendly web app design for Palco that simplifies real estate search and decision-making. The application should offer seamless property browsing, smart filters, and personalized recommendations, making it easy for users to find and evaluate homes."

About Project

Palco is a real estate web app designed to streamline property searches and empower homebuyers. With user-friendly navigation, smart filters, and personalized recommendations, it helps users easily find, compare, and evaluate properties to make informed decisions.

User Challenges

Users faced challenges with cluttered property listings, inefficient search filters, and a lack of personalized recommendations. They often struggled to find relevant properties quickly, leading to frustration and a lengthy decision-making process.

Our Solutions

To address user frustration with complex property searches, we designed Palco's web app with intuitive navigation, advanced filtering options, and a personalized recommendation engine. These solutions simplify home browsing, making the search faster and more user-friendly.

Client's Feedback

“We’re looking to develop an adaptive version of Palco for tablets and mobiles, allowing users to seamlessly transition between devices. This will improve accessibility and ensure a consistent real estate browsing experience across platforms.”

RonDesignLab ⭐️
Aesthetic Effectiveness ⤵
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