The Fluyt Mutiny - Liquors Set

The Fluyt Mutiny Liquor Set


Fluyt: Fluyts were long, large three-masted ships with a pear-shaped stern. They were built in various sizes, with the longest being about 37 meters long. They could transport up to 350 tonnes of goods. Most fluyts were armed to protect cargo against pirates.

Mutiny: An open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers.


The Fluyt Mutiny Liquor Set is a collection of 5 Liquor / Alcohol bottles from reputable liquor manufacturers from around the world. The Rum comes from Jamaica, Whiskey from Kentucky, Vodka from Russia, Tequila from Mexico & Gin from the UK. All are imported in barrels and bottled in Québec – Canada.


The main purpose is to buy 1 liquor set of 5 bottles to host an event or party, or probably to invite family & friends on Christmas Eve and each guest will find a drink to his taste or try all.


The packaging is fun and elegant at the same time which is a metallic drum/barrel each housing a 750ml bottle with a printed liquor name and a flag of the liquor originating country. From time to time the company releases some special packaging alterations as special editions.


The brand identity is based on a legend or story, probably inspired by the famous novel The Caine Mutiny (1952) by Herman Wouk.

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