2411_From Trees to Paper
From Trees to Paper
Street H_2024.11_Vol.182
종이는 인류 문명의 발전과 지식 축적에 크게 기여해온 매개체이다. 그 가치는 현대에도 크게 줄어들지 않았다. 인포그래픽을 통해 나무 심기, 목재 가공, 펄프화, 종이 성형 및 포장에 이르기까지 종이 생산의 전체 과정을 자세히 소개한다. 아울러 다양한 종류의 종이와 그 용도, 종이의 발전 및 확산 과정을 함께 살펴본다.
Paper is a medium that has contributed greatly to the development of human civilization and the accumulation of knowledge. Its value has not diminished significantly even in modern times. Through infographics, the entire process of paper production is introduced in detail, from planting trees, wood processing, pulping, paper forming, and packaging. In addition, various types of paper and their uses, as well as the development and spread of paper, are examined.
Sung-Hwan Jang
Current 203 X Design Studio CEO | He worked as an editorial designer in <Reader's Digest>, 'Yonhap News' Graphic News Team, <Weekly Dong-a>, <Science Dong-a> and established the 203 X Design Studio in 2003 in front of Hongik University. Since then, he has been publishing a neighborhood magazine <Street H>, which records the events around Hongik University in 2009, He founded the Infographic Lab 203 in 2012 and hosted the Infographic Group Exhibition at YOON DesignLab Gallery.
<Street H>, neighborhood magazine around Hongik University
This poster can be purchased at the following sites.
Price: 12,000(KRW)
Paper: Rendezvous 130g(500 X 700mm)
이 포스터는 아래 사이트에서 구매할 수 있습니다.
가격: 12,000원
종이: 랑데뷰 130g(500 X 700mm)