Tile App (Smart Tracking Made Simple)
Project Goal
At Tile App, our goal is to create a comprehensive and reliable platform in the stone industry. By offering a diverse range of high-quality building and decorative stones, we strive to make the process of selecting and purchasing stone simple, transparent, and professional for our customers.
With smart tools, expert guidance, and educational content, we provide a unique experience for our clients. By establishing direct connections between manufacturers and consumers, we ensure quality and competitive pricing. Tile App is always by its customers' side to meet the needs of construction and interior design projects in the best possible way.
● City-based Customization: Allows users to filter product listings by location for better relevance.
● Streamlined Navigation: Simplified categories and search filters improve ease of use.
● Clear and Simple Layout: Focused on ease of use with minimal distractions.
● Intuitive Filtering: Efficient filters that help users narrow down products.
Design Process:
I use various stages in my design process to ensure that my commercial landing website effectively meets users' needs. First, I conduct research and needs analysis to gain a deep understanding of the market and target audience. Then, I define my project goals to focus on achieving the desired outcomes.
After that, I design the website's information structure and create a sitemap to provide easy and logical navigation for users. In the next step, I create wire frames to examine the layout and structure of the pages. Once approved, I start the visual design to create an attractive appearance that aligns with the brand identity.
After the visual design, I move to the development and implementation stage, ensuring that all features are correctly executed. Before the final launch, I thoroughly test the website to identify and resolve any issues.
Once everything is ready, I launch the website and then continuously monitor and analyze its performance to identify necessary improvements. My goal is to provide a positive, user-friendly experience for visitors through ongoing updates and enhancements.