Albania Post Stamps

This is a very special personal project. A relative of mine who does not live anymore has been a very special inspiration to my career. He was one of the first Graphic Designers in Albania, he has such a huge collection of stamps from all around the world. He designed Albanian post stamps for many years but also was the co-founder of the Albanian Philatelist Community. He passed a way some years ago and when i look back i wish he was still alive i would have so much things to discuss and talk, back than i was still young and i was just getting started with design.

Explanations to this Stamps:

First on the top left:
2016 is going to be a very hard year for Albania thats why i choose to have the labyrinth abstract illustration.

Second on top right:
Albania's soccer team entered for the first time on the European Championship and i think is a big history event for the country. The illustration represents the football shape and actions.

Left Bottom:
Represents the Archeological findings of the country, more and more objects and cultural elements are found each year and this year will be the one with more surprises.

Right Bottom:
Albania has one of the most beautiful coasts in the Balkans. The illustration represents the beach, sun, sports and festivals happing in the summer.

This was a fun project.

If you like it Press L :)
See also the full size.

Follow me on instagram: @vasjenkatro

Posted on Feb 20, 2016

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