Typography Book
Brief: I was tasked to create a book/magazine as a college project to develop my skills in InDesign using only work that I had created in the past.
Solution: I set out to research different editorial styles and how other designers use colours, type, imagery and layout. I soon created a book that has a modern and very simple look to it that was unique to me and that also reflected my own design styles and ways of processing a problem. I then sent it off to a third party print service to have as a hard copy for my portfolio.
Process: This project took over 60 hours to process through all my files and to proof my own work. The hardest part was layering out every page and seeing how it would all fit and look like it flowed well with the overall design.
Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/34225649/Typography-Book
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CircaJaxk