AgroPromTrade Logo Concept ver. 03

Third concept of the logo for a trading agricultural company. It specializes in the packaging and sale of mineral fertilizers for agricultural producers and the supply of chemical products for wood processing enterprises, and also grows feed agricultural crops for farms.

This concept, like the second, shifts the focus to the image of the final product, but does so on a larger scale by incorporating the image of an entire planted field rather than just a single element — a leaf. The reliance on the name is also expanded compared to the second concept, as the graphic symbol uses an abbreviation instead of just one symbol.

The outline of the signmark references diagrams depicting the zoning of a planted field, drawing on simplified and combined graphic elements from the abbreviation. These elements, while remaining in the background, contribute to the abstract image by establishing a connection with the company’s name.

As a main graphic element, symbolic representations of crops planted in specific areas of the field, commonly used in agribusiness diagrams, can be utilized in the future during the development of the visual identity.

Aleksey Busygin
Principal brand designer with fifteen years of experience

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