Crypto Swap Dashboard Website Template

Hey dribbblers!

We are happy to present Extej, a comprehensive web-based template meticulously designed for financial and cryptocurrency businesses. Extej boasts a visually stunning interface, packed with unique features and widgets to elevate your online project

You can also buy this template. You can check the website demo from the link below

Key Features:

  • Component-Based Architecture: Modular and reusable components for flexibility and scalability.

  • Type Safety: TypeScript enhances code reliability and reduces errors.

  • Organized Styling: SCSS/SASS ensures clean and maintainable styles.

  • Predictable State Management: Redux for a well-structured and manageable application state.

  • Optimized Performance: Vite accelerates development and improves overall performance.

  • Data-Driven Insights: HighCharts.js and Charts.js enable interactive and informative data visualizations.

Crypto Swap Dashboard Dark UI

Extej UI UX Design Agency
UI UX 🎯 Crypto 🚀 Dashboard 📈 Mobile📲 DeFi 💸 Web3 🔗

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