Voice chat AI

AI Language Tutor

Voice AI in apps is currently a delicate balance of something new and cool vs unfamiliar and awkward. How might we get users comfortable conversing through UX as opposed to traditional button selections? My design provides both options and increasingly eases users into speaking to the AI with intuitive states.

The blue speaking state while AI speaks and then transitions to the a warm, slow-moving, listening state. The color and movement intuitively signal to the user when it's listening, that it can hear the user's voice, etc.

No need for "Start speaking" buttons or recorder UI. A natural conversation with an AI entity representation can be a delightful experience using visuals to convey emotion.

The goal is have the AI entity draw the user in. Peak the user's curiosity into speaking just to see how the AI reacts.

Interested to collaborate?

DM me on dribbble or email: michaelwangdesign@gmail.com

Product Designer who enjoys startups, 0->1+, product ideation, and crafting impactful UI/UX.

Michael Wang
Your Product Design partner to building business growth 🌱🌳

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