Slicing Gojek UI | From Figma to Flutter

Feature and Dependencies

Here are some of the features we built:

✅ Splash Screen

✅ Onboarding

✅ Home Screen

✅ Order Screen

✅ Promotion Screen

✅ AI Chat (powered by Gemini)

✅ Payment Screen

✅ Profile Screen

✅ Settings Screen (including dark mode 🌙)

Tech Stack & Dependencies:

📌 flutter: SDK for building the application.

📌 provider: Library for state management.

📌 shared_preferences: For local data storage.

📌 flutter_map: For interactive maps.

📌 atlong2: For geographic coordinates.

📌 google_generative_ai: ^0.4.6 (for AI chat features)

📌 flutter_dotenv: ^5.2.1 (for managing environment variables)

✨ Figma Inspiration:

✨ GitHub Repository:

More by Khairunnisa Batubara

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