ITunes 12

Doin' some "upgrades" to my old icons, wanted to explore em after a lot of years and see what could I do different, for this one there is some storytelling involved I really wanted to retain the cloud drive like device, but the shading here was a bitch so it took a while to figure out in my opinion the best way to give that metaphor an uplift I guess.

When you downscale the dots become a blur and it looks like a cloud which I was happy to see after hours of experimenting with different shapes and holes etc.

It's not that special but, it was a fun experiment for me and that's what matters! I think I see a few errors here and there but who cares really :)

Here's the .icns file ( Blue version included ) and the .psd file for personal education ;)

Download here

K thx baii <3

Pedja Rusic
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