Goblin: The System's Challenge
This animated poster is inspired by the dystopian novel "The Lower" by Dem Mikhaylov. In a world where individuals are born into debt and even their bodies belong to a soulless system, every step becomes a struggle for survival. This is a world of steel walls and ceilings, where life is worth no more than 1 SOL. The goblin in this artwork symbolizes the harshness of such a system and the challenge it sets before everyone.
The character’s stare and actions reflect the core question of the story: "How to survive while staying human?" This image is not just a static piece, but a call to question the boundaries of humanity within a cruel system.
The animation adds dynamic depth, emphasizing the intensity of the oppressive atmosphere within this dystopian universe. The movements of the goblin, combined with the haunting environment, help to create an engaging visual experience.
Technical Details:
Software: Created using Freepik’s AI platform for the poster design and animation
Animation Tools: Freepik (AI-based platform) for animation generation
Music: Created using Suno platform for ambient sound creation
Editing: Manual video editing with additional street sounds and coin jingles to enhance the dystopian atmosphere
This piece is part of a broader conceptual series exploring dystopian themes through fantasy and combat genres. The project seeks to depict the harsh realities of a future where humanity is lost within the system, and every action comes with a price.