Spike NuxtJs Admin Dashboard Designs
We at WrapPixel have made the task easier for you by building highly ✨customizable and developer-friendly NuxtJs Admin Templates.
Spike NuxtJs Admin Dashboard Template where the future of admin dashboards unfolds before your eyes. This isn't just another dashboard template; it's a revolution in managing digital landscapes. Its array of innovative dashboard layouts caters to every possible admin need. Tailored for different scenarios, from tracking application performance to monitoring e-commerce metrics, there’s always a perfect fit for your project.
What you Get with Spike NuxtJs Admin
Dashboard Template
Spike NuxtJs Admin Template offers a powerful and versatile solution for developers seeking to build modern, responsive, and feature-rich admin dashboards. Built on the Nuxt.js framework, it ensures high performance and seamless integration with Vue.js, making development faster and easier. The template includes a wide range of pre-designed UI components, widgets, and pages, all styled with a sleek and professional design.
Features of Spike NuxtJs Admin Dashboard Template
RTL Dashboard version
Vuetify & Vite & Typescript & NuxtJs
Frontend Pages Included
5 unique demos
Figma Designs with most of pages
2+ unique dashboards
Dark and light sidebar themes
45+ UI Components
Axios Included
65+ Page Templates
i18n Vue Added
Authguard Included
Widgets and UI components
Vue3 Carousel
Application Designs
6 color skins
3400+ Font icons
Completely responsive pages
Charts & tables
Nuxtjs Templates Integration🔗with Popular Frameworks🖥️
If you’re looking for Admin dashboards built with a specific framework, here are some options to explore: Bootstrap templates, Angular templates, React Templates, Vue dashboards, Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboards, Vuetify Templates, Nuxt Templates, MUI Templates.
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