Mobile Banking App
This is a design exploration project for a mobile banking app, featuring a variety of functionalities. The main focus of this app is to serve as an easily accessible and user-friendly digital transaction tool that prioritizes the financial well-being of its users.
Got a cool idea for an app you want to build? Contact me for more information!
Why Mobile Banking?
Mobile banking has become one of the most frequently used tools for people to conduct transactions and transfer money from one place to another. This is also true for me and those around me. I’ve found mobile banking to be incredibly helpful, offering ease of use and becoming one of the best innovations I’ve experienced. However, its simplicity has also made it easier for me to spend and transact without much filtering, leading to a faster outflow of money.
This experience has inspired me to explore mobile banking design, focusing not only on its function as a transaction tool but also as a comprehensive financial management platform. The aim is to create a solution that integrates financial management features, streamlines access to various services, and supports multiple payment methods for a more controlled and efficient financial experience.
Exploring dark mode after a long time was both exciting and challenging. I experimented with colors and components to find the perfect balance. I choose Yellow and Purple as the main combination of primary colors that i implemented to make it feel modern, pop, and bright behind the dark or light backgrounds. The typography choice, Golos Text, brings a touch of seriousness to the design, while the usage of radius in most components are there to make it balanced.
Designing a mobile banking app is both an exploration and a valuable challenge. As a widely used financial transaction tool, a mobile banking app should not only manage and transfer money like conventional banks but also serve as a platform for financial education, creating a meaningful impact for its users. I believe that a good app, is the app that not just helping every job to get done, but to make the right job to get done in a good way.