Modern and Eco-friendly hero section for Tech website
Positioned at the top, the navigation bar includes options like Products, Features, Pricing, and Company, providing clear paths for exploration.
The Login and Create account buttons are placed in the top-right corner, with Create account highlighted in purple for emphasis.
Key Visual and Background:
The visual centerpiece of the design features an aerial view of a field with a small green-roofed structure, symbolizing sustainability, agriculture, or environmental impact.
The image is split into two distinct halves, showcasing neat patterns of the fields, possibly symbolizing innovation and structure in green technology.
Heading and Subheading:
The heading, "Tech for a Greener Tomorrow", is prominently displayed in a bold, clean font. The green color in "Greener Tomorrow" emphasizes the sustainability theme.
The subheading reinforces the message: "Driving sustainable growth with cutting-edge green technology. Join us in building a future that balances innovation with impact." This highlights the company's commitment to innovation and sustainability while addressing a global concern.
Call-to-Action Buttons:
Two CTAs are placed below the subheading for clear user actions:
Book Demo (styled in white with a border) invites users to learn more about the product or service.
Free Trial (in vibrant purple) encourages immediate interaction, making it the primary action button.
Embedded Video Play Button:
A circular play button is overlaid on the background image, suggesting an engaging video. This feature adds interactivity, allowing users to learn more through multimedia content.
You can access the design for free here
I'm Guru Nivash R, aspiring Product Designer who's passionate about creating user-friendly and scalable digital solutions. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or email me at for any queries or collaboration