Combating Challenges in Urgent Care with Efficient EMRs


Urgent care centers operate in complex, high-pressure environments where staff handle a large volume of patients with varied and often critical needs. The existing EMRs were inefficient, with cumbersome workflows and lengthy documentation that slowed operations and impacted the quality of care. They needed a streamlined EMR solution designed to thrive under these demanding conditions.


Our client, Urgent IQ, partnered with us to design an EMR solution tailored to the unique complexities of urgent care, allowing healthcare staff to manage high-stakes situations with greater ease and efficiency.


We developed an optimized EMR with a user-centered design that simplifies the complexities of urgent care workflows. Key features included intuitive navigation, streamlined documentation tools, and automated alerts, all designed to reduce the burden on healthcare providers and ensure quick access to critical information. By focusing on clarity and speed, our design helps staff handle rapid patient turnover while minimizing disruptions.

Screen 1

Users can record their medical history, insurance information, and consent forms before the appointment to save time.

Screen 2

The patient profile provides an overview of all the important details such as current medications, allergies, and details of past visits.

Screen 3

The calendar allows staff to simultaneously view schedules of multiple healthcare providers.

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The AI-powered assistant helps clinicians by suggesting helpful questions and document the interaction to optimize the appointment.

Screen 5

Duplicate patient entries can be merged with ease to avoid confusion and delays.


The redesigned EMR significantly improved documentation time, operational efficiency, and user satisfaction, allowing healthcare providers to deliver faster, higher-quality care. Our solution demonstrates how user-centered design can adapt to the high-pressure requirements of urgent care environments, empowering healthcare teams with tools tailored to their specific needs.

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Koru UX Design
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