Food recipe app design UI UX design
Recipe Builders - food app design UI UX design
Recipe Builders - Food Recipe App UI/UX Design
Excited to share my latest mobile app UI/UX design for a food recipe app called "Recipe Builders." This app is designed to bring together food enthusiasts and professional chefs in one place, offering a seamless experience for sharing, exploring, and learning new recipes.
Key Features:
Splash Screen: A minimal yet modern introduction to the app, setting the tone with a vibrant purple gradient and clean branding.
Sign-In/Sign-Up Screens: Simple and user-friendly authentication screens that make it easy for users to create accounts or log in with social platforms.
Home Page: Explore a wide variety of recipes with categories and recommendations from top chefs. A clean layout with an intuitive search function ensures users can find their desired recipes quickly.
Discover Page: Featuring curated recipes from professional chefs, users can easily browse trending meals or search for specific dishes.
Chatting Feature: A dedicated space for users to connect with chefs or fellow food lovers. This allows for real-time interaction and recipe sharing.
Profile Screen: A well-organized profile page that displays users’ recipe collections, social stats, and more. Users can also manage their content and connect with others in the food community.
The design focuses on accessibility and ease of navigation, with a cohesive color scheme and clean typography throughout the app. Let me know your thoughts!
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