Cancer Grand Challenges

A bold new creative direction for an organisation on the frontline in the battle against cancer.

Cancer Grand Challenges (CGC) is a global funding initiative that supports scientific research projects aimed at addressing some of the toughest challenges in cancer research - CGC highlights key problems facing scientists fighting cancer and offers substantial funding to research teams covering these topics, aiming to further mankind's knowledge of, and ultimately treatment for cancer.

The challenge for this project was to create a site that not only showcased the groundbreaking work these teams are doing but also made it accessible to a broad audience - from researchers to policymakers and even patients, the website needed to speak to all while maintaining a contemporary, authoritative look that reflects the organisation’s stature and mission.

The challenge for this project was to create a site that not only showcased the groundbreaking work these teams are doing but also made it accessible to a broad audience - from researchers to policymakers and even patients, the website needed to speak to all while maintaining a contemporary, authoritative look that reflects the organisation’s stature and mission.

I wanted to create a user experience that stood CGC apart from their contemporaries, framing the aesthetic around cell-like structures that morph and change shape, giving the appearance of living cells - coupled with parallax motion and transparency effects this brand device helped to give pages a sense of depth, as though users were 'diving into' the page and its contents. I balanced these elaborate visuals with a clear, uncluttered UI system that is intuitive and clear, and allows users to explore the site with ease. As always, care was taken to make sure the entire design conforms to WCAG accessibility guidelines, ensuring the site is usable by the widest audience possible.

The new site serves as both a resource and a platform for raising awareness about the cutting-edge research that Cancer Grand Challenges advocates. It’s been a privilege to contribute to a project that plays such a pivotal role in advancing cancer research worldwide.

See the live site here

Craig Laing
I design websites. Mostly.

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