Receive Money (QR Code) for Alquaseh

Client Name: Al-Qaseh (E-Payment & Financial Services)

Year of completion:2023


Designed with user-centric principles in mind

Al-Qaseh Recieve payment screens offer a visually appealing and intuitive interface tailored to Arabic preferences. The thoughtful use of typography, color (including the client-preferred green), and spacing, combined with adaptable RTL/LTR functionality, enhances readability and usability across different languages and cultural contexts.

E-Payment & Financial Services mobile app

Key Features:

01: Custom QR Code Generation: To simplify the process, we designed a feature where users can generate a personalized QR code. Instead of sharing their account number, users can share a unique,

Alquaseh-generated QR code, offering a seamless and secure way to receive payments. For added personalization, users can choose from various QR code themes.

02: Bank Selection in Real-Time: To enhance usability, we introduced an option for users to select their bank in real-time, from which they wish to receive payments. This eliminates the need for users to manually enter details and ensures flexibility.

03: Copy Alquaseh ID: For users who prefer not to use QR codes, a quick-copy option for the Alquaseh ID was implemented. This provides a simple and efficient way for users to share their details without error.

04: Request Specific Amount: Users also have the option to set a specific amount they wish to receive, making it easier for them to request and track payments. This added functionality provides more control and transparency for users managing incoming funds.

Overall, we want to enhance the user experience by streamlining the payment reception process, offering personalization and convenience while reducing manual input and errors. I hope it will help you :)

E-Payment & Financial Services mobile app

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