Doppel Illustration Style

Illus­tra­tion serves as the Doppel brand’s pri­ma­ry visu­al lan­guage ele­ment, with a style that uses sim­ple lines and shapes pieced togeth­er in col­lege-style com­po­si­tions. It’s a com­pelling and flex­i­ble way to tell a story. 

Also flex­i­ble is Doppel’s pat­tern work, a grid-based sys­tem that uses lines to cre­ate armored plat­ing and cir­cles to make riv­ets and fas­ten­ers — lit­er­al­ly pro­tec­tive ele­ments that evoke Doppel’s abil­i­ty to safe­guard its clients’ brands. 

Click here to view the full case study.

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