Blocktones is an NFT project that combines generative audio and 3D animation created by music producers and digital artists. The goal is to offer a new way to engage fans and collectors, giving more control and financial benefits to creators and listeners. Each piece in the collection contains a unique combination of audio tracks and visual elements, revolutionizing the concept of music collection and album covers.
The content production for Blocktones was divided into two main phases: the creation of the artworks and the development of the promotional materials.
During the artwork phase, the aim was to blend a wide range of artistic styles, introspective visions, and diverse aesthetics, making each piece stand as a unique, individual story. When combined, these elements formed a larger, metaphorical and introspective puzzle, with each artwork contributing a distinct layer to the overarching narrative. Additionally, the artworks were designed to evoke a sense of artificiality, computerization, and globalization.
For the promotional phase, the campaign was driven by a carefully crafted storytelling approach. It centered around a group of anonymous agents fighting against the corporate giant "Music Corp." This led to a dystopian, futuristic, and visionary narrative that kept the audience engaged long before the product was officially released. The combination of intrigue and immersive world-building generated interest and anticipation, pulling fans into a broader narrative that extended beyond the project itself.