Final Mark

I finally did it and pulled the trigger on what hopefully I can finalize as my logo mark and an on going branding icon for my works.

Now, there's so many trees in this world, but ultimately I went with this first. With this primary mark I decided to break it into an extremely simple form. In it's more simple form a tree still contains such beauty. A tree will ultimately represent my journey as a designer, or maybe something else? I cannot predict the future, but for the time being, I am excited for this journey.

Why a tree? A tree's roots will forever be implanted in the ground, in the soil, which is its "home". A tree can be uprooted and moved, but its roots will forever stay. A tree may change, according to seasons, but its roots will forever stay. A tree may grow old, but it's roots never age. It's a connection I knew would fit who I am, and who I strive to be everyday.

Now accompanied with this logo mark, I am embarking on an additional portion of my branding, which is being eco-aware. My physical prints such as business cards, posters, and package designs, I will attempt my best at using eco friendly paper, inks, and business that do similar. Of course I will make some sacrifices when necessary, but this world is a beautiful place, and should be treated as such.


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