Dribbble Invites

Hey, everyone! I have 2 Dribbble invites to give away.

If you would like one simply:

1. Send me an email (maryanneramirezdesign@gmail) or comment here with a link to your portfolio and a brief statement about why you want to be on Dribbble.


2. Send me a tweet or tag me on Instagram (@missmary_anne / @daily.design) to a post of your work!

Yay 😁

I will choose who gets the invites at 1pm (EST) so refer back to here later.


Thanks to everyone who entered. It was a very tough decision to make due to all the fantastic portfolios. I wish I had more than 2 invites to give away but when I have more in the future I will definitely give them to those who couldn't get them today.

Congrats Egor Lazarev and Anastasiia Rafayenko!

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