Bon Iver - Album Cover Redesign
Bon Iver is one of the greatest, and maybe one of the most under appreciated music groups in the music industry.
I wanted to redesign their self-titled album in a new format, but still keep the feel of music within the design.
I designed the album in a deconstructivist format. The cabin is symbolic, sense that is where the lead singer wrote many of the songs for the album. The child (as seen in the attachment) is a reflection of the lead singer discovering himself and the music he will soon write.
I hope you will take a listen to this group and a get a small feeling of how the music feels and how I came to this design.

- In the attachment, you will see the album cover, and both sides of the cover jacket. As well, you'll see a disc design, and mock ups for posters announcing tours and locations.


Matthew Harvey
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