Browser Abandonment A/B Test ✦ Princess Polly

For this CRO test with Princess Polly, we focused on enhancing user retention and conversion rates by introducing a subtle yet effective browser messaging update. When users either abandon the site by opening a new tab or leave the browser on desktop, they receive a gentle alert encouraging them to return and complete their shopping experience (see top left browser tab in the image).

This adjustment raised visibility and engagement, resulting in an impressive +11.23% increase in conversion rate.

Our goal was to intercept abandonment moments and remind users to come back to their carts. By crafting timely, non-intrusive messaging that fits seamlessly with the brand’s tone and design, we re-engaged shoppers and improved their overall experience.

The results speak for themselves—performance up, conversions climbing.

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Driving revenue for eCommerce brands through conversion rate optimization, full-stack development, branding, UI/UX design, and lifecycle marketing services.

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