Saratoga - Leadership Bio Pages

About and leadership bio pages consistently appear as the second-most-visited area on a professional services firm's website, after the home page. Which makes sense, because potential clients want to know who they might be working with, and if they are credible and trustworthy.

What makes these pages shine? Professional headshots.

High quality headshots make a massive difference in how a company is perceived. No matter how impressive a person's credentials, work history, or education, a low quality photo associates that same level of quality in the minds of viewers.

I'm constantly surprised at how many companies don't prioritize professional portraits. It's what really makes the bios really stand out. It's an asset that has wide application outside your own website as well, such as LinkedIn, professional associations and networks, conference badges, speaker profiles, and more.

Capturing good quality, consistent headshots can be challenging, especially with a modern, distributed workforce. Fortunately, we have a few tricks up our sleeve that can help.

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