Allergan Access Website Redesign

Allergan Access Website Redesign

Overview: Allergan Access serves as both a consulting firm and educational platform, providing a web-based suite of practice management tools, articles, and distance learning courses tailored for medical practices within the aesthetic medicine specialty. Although Allergan offers extensive resources to support clinics of all sizes in improving performance, their old website suffered from usability issues and lacked visual appeal.

Discovery: Recognizing the importance of understanding Allergan’s unique business model, we initiated the project with stakeholder interviews to gain insight into their existing system. The old site was a patchwork resulting from business expansion, which necessitated a thorough examination of user group hierarchies, website roles, and product access associated with different subscription options, as well as an exploration of the third-party Learning Management System (LMS) they intended to integrate for managing distance learning courses.


UX Strategy:

Focusing on scalability, our UX strategy involved developing flexible patterns that could adapt as Allergan’s needs evolved. We conducted a comprehensive audit of existing content, breaking it down into distinct UX content modules and running them through various business scenarios to ensure their future-proofing.

Build: Following the establishment of a robust brand guide, we transformed wireframed templates into visually engaging designs that aligned with Allergan’s identity. The development phase involved front-end programming using HTML5 and CSS3, integrated with a custom backend built on the ASP.NET framework to accommodate Allergan's complex business model and unique user requirements.

Test & Launch: Exhaustive testing was crucial due to the site's complexities, involving thorough checks by our quality assurance team, developers, designers, project managers, and the client to ensure functionality. A key aspect of this process was verifying the user database import to confirm that all legacy user information was accurately retained and transferred to the LMS.


Closing thoughts: Allergan approached us with a challenging product and a strong desire to enhance their digital presence. Our efforts resulted in a user-friendly platform that not only meets their current needs but also empowers them to focus on business growth and a promising future.

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