GE Healthcare Partners Website Redesign

GE Healthcare Partners Website Redesign

Overview: In 2015, GE Healthcare Partners emerged from the merger of GE Healthcare Partners and The Camden Group, positioning itself as a leading business consulting firm dedicated to the healthcare industry. This merger made them the largest firm in the U.S., specializing in top-tier advisory and implementation services to address complex challenges within the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.

Discovery: GE Healthcare Partners approached us with a dated website that presented significant usability issues and lacked cohesion with the GE brand. Our initial focus was to identify the goals for the redesign, which included enhancing the visibility of valuable thought leadership articles and case studies that had been effective in attracting leads but were difficult to find and poorly integrated across the site.


UX Strategy: With clear goals established, we developed a UX strategy that involved creating wireframe prototypes to test various website flows that would effectively integrate thought leadership articles, case studies, and calls to action.

Build: Following the establishment of a defined UX prototype, we moved into the visual design phase, ensuring that the site aligned with General Electric’s brand guidelines. A key challenge was integrating the thought leadership articles published on HubSpot with the new .NET platform, which we resolved by implementing an API to seamlessly pull in articles while allowing continued use of HubSpot’s marketing and analytics features.

Test & Launch: After all content was added and connected, we conducted extensive testing across multiple browsers and mobile devices to ensure full functionality. Following the security approval from GE's security team, we executed a comprehensive launch process that enabled a seamless transition to the new site.


Closing thoughts: Aligning the website experience with the expertise and success of GE Healthcare Partners was a complex undertaking, but the results justified the extensive strategizing, designing, and building efforts. The new website effectively merges the General Electric brand with The Camden Group’s strong reputation, allowing GE Healthcare Partners to showcase their knowledge and leadership in the industry.

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