GoDaddy Ads Flow
Writing internet ads, like those for Google AdWords, is rarely fun or interesting. “I can’t wait to apply my well-honed graphic design skills and experience to this text,” said no designer, ever. But creating these ads sure helps attract and target site visitors/customers. So, it’s worth it.
However, for the more aesthetically-minded individual, GoDaddy has brought some visual joy with our new Ads app, which lets you target customers looking for your products and services on Google Search & Display networks.
Throughout the application, supporting the section titles, we’ve included a number of neat li’l illustrations. These fun, sometimes cute, images stay true to our paper-cut style and also keep a design/color consistency. They’re pretty simple but provide much eye-catching detail. Why, I can almost feel the wind of that delivery van whizzing up to the door to drop off the daily goods.
Thoughts? Questions? We’d love to hear ‘em.