e-Babybook mobile app

e-Babybook mobile app

A baby book which parents can fill where ever and when ever they have time.

In the e-babybook mobile application, a parent can change the chapter titles, freely ignore topics they don't want to write about, or write about several topics together. Suitable from pregnancy, but also for adopted families or families with multiples.

The issue with physical baby books: Few parents actually have time to fill their baby books. Especially if we talk about parents with more than 1 child.

Solution: Create a baby book which parents can fill where ever and when ever they have time to - a baby book mobile application. When they are finished, they can order a printed baby book that contains only information that they have entered: no empty pages, no typos, no ugly handwriting, etc.

The process

First we did a market research to see if mothers acutally needes this kind of solution. Yes, they need.

We talked with children, who were 3rd child in their family. They often mentioned that the family had only about 4 pictures of them being toddles or younger. This is a part of their lives they actually want to know about, but all they have is their parents tales by mouth, but not in written format.

After that I drawd the first prototype on paper for both homepage and the app.

Enter your text here. When this was done, I moved to Figma for Hi-Fi prototype.

When my business partner saw the prototype she asked if I already finished the app, because it feels so real to her.

The app prototype can be found here: https://www.figma.com/proto/Cn4fOgBUTnCIuPalaJsfLo/E-beebiraamat?node-id=2272-1937&node-type=canvas&t=QmJd1ODs1ORnmYX4-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=506%3A0&starting-point-node-id=2272%3A1937&show-proto-sidebar=1

Third we did a research within our friend circle, who are also parents to little children. They brought out some issues with wording and some logic gaps within the app.

After that I did an BPMN model for developers to follow when developing the app.

The app has had a warm welcome by the users. Even though it is currently available only on Android, then iOS users have multiple times written to us that they need it.

More by Marii Rüütli

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