Case Study

Case Study | Product Design

We will be toghether in this case study to review the process of designing REGYM application. In this case we used design thinking process to prepare our project and launch it in the market.this process is in 5 parts: 1. Discovery 2. Definition 3.Ideation 4. Design 5.Test.In the first part by drawing a mind map we talked about the problem, in the second part we got closer to our users and in ideation part we achieved our features Which in design section, we changed it in to user interface. In the end we validated our product with two tests. We will review the stepts in below:


Modern life and its challenges have caused huge changes in the people’s lifestyles. According to research by WHO, 60% of factors which are related to health and quality are directly related to lifstyle. It means that milions of people who follow an unhealthy lifstyle, in most cases, in the long run will face variety of physical and mental problems, or even death.According to researches, fitness and having a suitable diet is one of the main reasons for having a healthy body and better lifestyle.Beside that the impact of social media and being more educated in this field, caused people to think more about health in recent years, which made the health and fitness industry one of the the bigest and fast growing industries in the world.


It seems like, the number of people (who have specific diseases or they are in a specific situation or they have food allergy) , is very large and their needs never been taken care, and they are more in need of product to meet their needs.But after qauntitative and qualitative interviews such as questionnaires and deep interviews, we realized that these people should be very carefull about their do’s and dont’s, like pregnant women or who are suffering from specific diseases, thus they always preffred to rely on their own doctors for a suitable diet, rather than using any applications.


According to previus insights, after a brainstorming, we came to a list of features that we put on a Impact/Effort matrix:


According to our card sorting result, we figure out some of our cards are not similar to any of our categories, thus we eliminated them. here our final site map accourding to our modified card sorting:


According to Our goals, Objectives & Our KPIs, we decided to run 2 different test on our prototype in order to validate it for the market, Here are the results of these tests:

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