New Portfolio

It's been about 2 years since I last had a website. And this website took me longer to design/make than it should have. It’s still work in progress, there's a few things missing like an about me page, project pages and a few other things I'd like to drop in. But, I'm happy with how it is at the moment.

Within this portfolio there are snapshots of a few projects that I’m very proud. Most of which I’ve never shared publicly before. Partly because I’ve been busy, but mostly because I like many other designers I am self-conscious about my work. Hoping to change that with this post and will share more✌️

See my portfolio here


Want to work together?

I'm Blayne, a Product Design Lead and Freelancer with 8+ years of experience. I help founders, product teams and companies to understand their users, design their marketing sites and launch features/apps . Companies that I've worked with include Nike, Walmart, Uniswap, BinanceUS, Vanguard and many more.

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Blayne Chong
Product Design Lead [+Freelancer]

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