Palette Naturals Instore Activation

Palette will be tackling malls in order to bring this concept to life.

There will be a stand in the form of a lab, with four containers, each one catered to one of the four ingredients PNC has.

As such, consumers will go through these four containers and use their five senses to experience these natural ingredients in separate ways.

At first, there will be incenses, for each of the ingredients to be distinguished by their potent signature smells.

Then there will be four containers with the raw ingredients, for the consumers to touch some (Cocoa – Shea Butter) and taste some (Coconut – Goji Berries) . 

As for the fifth sense, the stand will be surrounded by nature-like sounds.


“Experience Palette Natural” stand will be a great opportunity for consumers to see and touch the ingredients first hand, and recognize how natural and safe they are to be trusted within their bodies.

There will be a booth for consumers to experience and educate themselves on all shades of PNC. The booth will be located in supermarkets. 

The conveniency of placing the booth in supermarkets is to target the audiences that are already out there purchasing products, especially females who are seeking hair dyes.

As for the gym, it is encompassed by people who prioritize their health, both on the inside-out. Meaning people who take care of how look, and look after what they put in their bodies.

More by Lorena AbdulKhalek

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