Public Association "Union of Entrepreneurs of the Brest Region"
Website link:
About the project
A commercial website has been developed for the state Public Association "Union of Entrepreneurs of the Brest Region". The objectives of the project were: to develop a website in a minimalist, strict style; build trust in the organization. The site was created in the style of minimalism. Clean design, neatness and strict style help to convey information to future potential members of the Union and are able to inspire users to trust this organization and, in the future, join the Union.
#commercialsite #commercе #uiuxdesign #ui #ux #webdesign #socialmediadesign #userinterface #website #mobileinterface #mobiledesign #servicedesign #adaptivedesign #uidesign #uxdesign #сайт #вебдизайн #figma #вебсайт #коммерческийсайт #uiuxdesign #adaptive #social #общество #предприниматели #союз #union #entrepreneurs #individualentrepreneur #publicassociation #индивидуальныйпредприниматель #общественноеобъединение
More about the project )))
Website link:
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