DailyUI Day 12 - E-commerce Shop

Prompt: E-commerce Shop

After being away for a while, I decided to come back to the DailyUI challenge.

Today's prompt was to design an e-commerce store, and what better store to do it for than my old business Kona Crumble, a company I founded that sold NY-style cookies.

I had a little inspiration from these websites:




However, this was one of the first projects where I did what felt best and used as few elements from other websites as possible.

All photos and illustrations were made 100% by me. As the founder of Kona Crumble, I did all the branding, social media management, product photography, and also baked the product. I learned a lot doing this e-commerce site, and it's funny how old projects still teach me a lot to this day.

What do you think about this project? What would you change or add? Let me know in the comments!

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