Pollution Tracker: Map View

Map Default State:

This is the initial view when the user first lands on the map. Several interactions are available here: the user can zoom in on the map, switch to Pollution Levels or Heat Map views, or tap on any location pin to explore further details.

Map Default State

Map Pollution Levels & Heat Map States

Map UI

Location Pin Tap:

When the user taps on a location pin, a detailed information panel slides in, providing relevant insights about the selected location.

Search is Essential:

Recognizing the importance of search, I designed an intuitive smart search screen. As you begin typing, additional options dynamically reveal themselves, enhancing the user experience and helping you find what you need quickly and efficiently.

Smart Search Screen

The Challenge I Addressed:

The client had an existing design that was underperforming, with low user adoption and engagement. The goal was to create a redesigned solution that would provide enhanced value and a better overall experience for the end-user.

Do you have a similar project to work on?

Write me here: kasim@compassdesign.co

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