XR Wear | UI Concept

XR Wear UI concept is for an e-commerce site selling innovative, tech-enhanced apparel. The design blends modern aesthetics with interactive features to create an engaging shopping experience.


Showcase the tech features of the clothing.

Educate users on how the technology works.

Provide a smooth and intuitive shopping experience.

Build trust through customer reviews.

Offer clear explanations through a well-structured FAQ.


Interactive visuals to demonstrate product features.

Highlight bestsellers with vibrant, easy navigation.

FAQ section to explain the technology simply.

User reviews to boost credibility.

Clear CTAs to drive engagement and sales.

I’m open to new work!

📩 Email – daria.maksimchenko@gmail.com

🚀 Telegram – t.me/daria_maksimchenkо

🎨 Instagram – d.maximchenko

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