Interactive 3D Draggable Bubbles using Spline

In this project, I had the pleasure of turning a client's unique vision into a reality by creating an interactive 3D experience featuring draggable bubbles. The process started with a carefully crafted image provided by the client, which served as the foundation for the design. Every detail was meticulously aligned with the client's vision to ensure the final product exceeded expectations.

Design and Development: Following the client's specific guidelines, I transformed the provided image into a 3D scene within Spline Design. Each bubble was modeled and positioned to maintain the aesthetic appeal while ensuring full interactivity. The bubbles were designed to be draggable, allowing users to interact with them freely. This added a playful and engaging element to the scene, making it both visually appealing and fun to use.

Interactive Features: One of the standout features of this project is the ability to drag and move each bubble around the scene. I implemented smooth and responsive interactions, ensuring that the bubbles react naturally to user input. Additionally, a reset function was integrated, allowing the scene to return to its original state with just a click, making it easy to start over and play with the bubbles again.

Client-Centered Approach: Throughout the project, I worked closely with the client to ensure that every aspect of the design matched their vision. From the look and feel of the bubbles to the overall interactive experience, every detail was carefully considered and executed to meet the client's expectations.

Experience the Project: If you're curious to see this interactive 3D bubble scene in action, you can explore it through the following link: Interactive 3D Draggable Bubbles.

Ready for Your Project: If you have a creative idea that you'd like to bring to life, I'm open to taking on new projects. Let's collaborate to create something amazing together!

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