How I Designed Terms of Service of Harmonia Music Platform


The project involves redesigning the Terms of Condition page of a music and sound sharing platform. This page, although comprehensive, has been the source of legal disputes due to its lack of engagement from users. The goal is to leverage design to enhance user interaction with the content and prevent further legal issues.

Design Goals

  • Increase User Engagement: Encourage users to read and understand the terms.

  • Simplify Legal Jargon: Present complex legal content in a user-friendly manner.

Key Design Features

  1. Interactive Elements:

    • Collapsible Sections: Users can click on a part to see detailed content. This keeps the interface clean and allows users to focus on relevant information without feeling overwhelmed.

  2. Visual Hierarchy:

    • Distinct Section Headings: Larger, bold fonts are used for headings, helping users quickly locate different sections.

    • Contrast and Color Coding: Important sections like “User Responsibilities” and “Copyright Policies” are highlighted with contrasting colors, making them stand out.

  3. Accessibility:

    • Text Size and Spacing: Adequate text size and line spacing enhance readability, catering to users with varying visual abilities.

    • Color Contrast: The design adheres to accessibility standards, ensuring text is legible against background colors.

#UserExperience #UXDesign #UIUX #LegalDesign #TermsOfService #Copyright #Accessibility #InteractiveDesign #WebDesign #DigitalDesign #DesignThinking #Engagement #UserInterface #LegalTech #UIX101 #UI089 #portfolio #dailyui #challenge

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