Darkness to Community | My Story

Unexpected Connections: From Chaos to Order

Using grids to combine my illustrations in an unexpected way helps bring order to what could be chaos. This process mirrors my own life, where God’s perfect design brings order to my chaos, transforming darkness into light and isolation into community.

I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. There have been too many in my life to call them anything but miracles. While it’s easy to see these connections in hindsight, they’re often invisible in the present—likely because we’re not in control. Instead, we have a perfect God whose plan is at work every second.

I battle daily with the desire to control that plan, but in these "Unexpected Connections," I’ve found a community where God is at work right now. I wanted to keep my eyes shut, but He forced them open. I am blessed beyond anything the world can offer because I’ve already found the treasure that’s available to all.

His name is Jesus, and He is closer than you might think. This Jesus died and rose from the dead so I could live and find peace with Him in eternity. Jesus was my "Unexpected Connection," and a moment in His presence changed everything.

Brad Hansen
Creative Director, Designer, & Illustrator

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