Relexia - TKS Hackathon Grand Finalist

Relexia - Interactive Dyslexia Assistant

Relexia is a pair of smart augmented reality glasses that can translate text for students with dyslexia. I served as the project manager for a team of two engineers for this project, creating the Figma mockup to better visualize how we could utilize a machine learning algorithm and a prediction model to manipulate text in real time. I pitched this product to judges from Apple, SpaceX, and MIT, and made it to the grand finals in The Knowledge Society’s Global Hackathon (Top 6 of 800+).

CAD Model

This app worked in conjunction with a pair of augmented reality glasses that I designed. Using Solidworks and Autodesk Inventor, I created a CAD model to better visualize to judges what this product might look like.

Figma Mockups

The glasses worked in conjunction with an app that I designed using Figma (seen above). Users would be able to scan text using a camera on the glasses and manipulate the look of the text in real time using our app. This is because studies show that changing the look of text can help reduce the mental strain dyslexic brains face. See the high-fidelity prototype here.

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